Monday, April 25, 2011

The refrigerator door is at maxiumum capacity.

This shit is fucked up. I have a sad feeling that people will think, Oh hey you know who would like this? and their answer is me but no, no I don't like it. I like baby animals doing things, and I like documentaries about Real Dolls and extended breastfeeding and Lil Wayne, and I really, really like cats in tiny boxes, but I do not like these videos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is TR.
If you like doll collecting, or dolls as art, you could ask your library to borrow the 2001 book: Kewpies Dolls & Art With Value Guide by John Axe. Or, if that book can't be found, www.roseoneill(dot)org does an excellent job of talking about the kewpie dolls.

Have a Good Day, TR