The other night, Thomas read aloud to me from The Rise of the Creative Class that something like 70% of Americans said they go to work primarily because it is how they enjoy spending their time: not with family or friends, not listening to the radio, not going on a walk, not making love, not eating a bacon-maple donut, not reading the funny pages--but going to work. What. The. Fuck. I didn't work for a good six months plus and I was super-happy, super-productive, and super-focused on enjoying my time. 70% of America, you's is crazy!
I'm pretty certain "trying to keep twenty crazy teenagers from burning themselves on a hot plate and crepe while they army crawl into restricted areas and set off alarms that ring the police and fire department" would make the list.
Or maybe that's just me... I mean, I am missing a large section of hair behind my left ear from similar scenarios :)
It's a matter of perspective. I would say, "running a crepe sweatshop for my own belly's benefit, with a few unforseen and really loud kinks."
I agree to items One through Four. bacon donut? If Tim Horton's isn't selling them, put me under skeptic.
As for my work, I'd describe myself as a fairweather worker. I've lived the past two years for the personal victories & successes, yet I'm kinda like Boston & NY sports fans: love it when things go well & quick to riot if it doesn't...
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